Thotlakonda Get a New Look to attract the Tourists

Thotlakonda, a popular tourist attraction in Visakhapatnam, is undergoing a facelift. Thotlakonda is a historical old Buddhist site located on the Bheemili Beach Road, between Thimapuram and Mangamaripeta. It is well-known for being the destination of many renowned Buddhist figures. The proof for this includes Maha Stupam, Uddesyaka Stupam, water pools, Chaitya caves, stone graves, and meeting halls. From the hilltop, the view of the sea is breathtaking. Previously, there were no amenities for visitors to the site.
VMRDA has developed a garden, flower plants in and around the place, and made it visitor friendly for park visitors, taking into account all of the factors. Both sides of the road, as well as the divider and the main entrance to Thotlakonda Park, have been painted and brightened.
To Know More About Thotlakonda Buddhist Complex Please Visit
Thotlakonda Buddhist Complex (History, Entry Fee, Location, Images)