NGT has appointed a four-member committee to investigate on environmental violation norms at Rushikonda hill Visakhapatnam

The National Green Tribunal has formed a four-member committee to investigate suspected environmental violations during the construction of a road over the Rushikonda hill near Visakhapatnam.
In a decision dated December 17,2021, the bench led by Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel declared that “we believe it necessary to verify the factual position by forming an independent four-member committee of CPCB, State PCB, SEIAA, Andhra Pradesh, and District Megistrate, Visakhapatnam.” “Within two months, this Tribunal shall receive a factual and action taken report in the matter,” the bench directed.
Andhra Pradesh’s State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) will assist as the focal point for coordination and compliance. The committee might meet within two weeks, conduct site visits, consult with stakeholders, and take remedial action, according to Bench.
The court’s order came during a hearing on a case filed by Raghu Ramakrishna Raju Kanumuru, who claimed that the Urban Development Department had violated the Master Plan as notified under the Andhra Pradesh Urban Development Areas Act of 1975. According to the application, the region is environmentally sensitive, and the State must protect it in accordance with the Public Trust Doctrine by adopting appropriate steps, as required by the Constitution.
Source : Eenadu