Foundation Stone Laid For ITPI Visakhapatnam Center

On Sunday, the foundation stone for the Visakhapatnam centre of the Andhra Pradesh regional chapter of the Institute of Town Planners, India (ITPI) was laid.
The event was held in the presence of ITPI President Dr. DS Meshram and Secretary General Pradeep Kapoor at a location in Vizag’s Ozone Valley layout.
According to representatives from the AP regional chapter, the land was allocated at market price by the Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority.
The ITPI has opted to build a building in Visakhapatnam under the Andhra Pradesh regional chapter in order to carry out their activities, they stated, citing the city’s future possibilities.
Dr. Meshram added that it is encouraging to see the AP regional branch of the ITPI erecting their own building in Visakhapatnam. He praised the work of the regional chapter members. “The Institute of Town Planners’s annual conference will be hosted in Bhopal from January 14 to 16, 2022.”
14 of the country’s 24 regional chapters have their own buildings. ITPI has also identified a land pocket in Vijayawada for the construction of a structure,” stated Dr.Meshram.